Monday, April 8, 2013

Part 2: May Day in Kentfield

Part 2: May Day in Marin
Kentfield’s May Day festival began in 1909.  The Tamalpais Center was established that year as a gift from Mrs. A.E. Kent which included almost 30 acres of land.  The event center was designed to create a place for educational and entertaining activities for everyone in Marin County.  The May Day festival was considered the most celebrated event at the Center.  

The school kids wore different colored ribbons to identify their schools in competitive events such as potato sack races and pole dancing.  At the end of the celebration a Queen of May was crowned, an honor every woman aspired to receive.
                                         Sack and Pole Dancing in 1909, courtesy of UC Libraries

As I was looking through the Marin History’s collections I found one of the flags that was presented at the festival from 1913, exactly 100 years ago.

May Day is such an interesting event and how it evolves either in a traditional manner or new age context the festival will live on as a moment to embrace the blessings that spring brings!

In Part 3 I will talk about how we celebrate it in Marin in 2013!

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