Monday, March 25, 2013

Continuous Adventures of Louise Boyd : March 22nd*

Louise Boyd took a number of cross-country motor tours in her life. The first was in 1919 when paved roads were all but nonexistent outside of the major cities! She usually had her chauffeur, Cameron, drive her and the trips took anywhere from 2- 4 weeks. The entries for this month were from her 1938 trip, which was in the heart of the Great Depression.

U.S. Motor Tour - March 22, 1938 
 …Texas State line…6PM after skidding down newly oiled road that we took by mistake and skidded sideways down hill and could not get up! Had to walk up, full of mud, Thunder and Lightning. Finally Cameron got up with chains, 7:10 Flat tire. Right Rear. Fortunately near garage so had it fixed while we ate sandwich and good coffee in café near by.

* These dates correspond to the Marin History Museum 2013 Calendar (available for purchase at MHM) for the date: March 22nd

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